Castelo Rock is the culmination of the work of many people who generously and freely give their time, whose only motive is to give the cultural life of their town a boost.
For some years Muros has experienced an unprecedented blossoming in the sphere of music.
This town council of hardly 9,000 inhabitants is a real breeding-ground of rock bands, inspired by the impetus of pioneers, like Os Fieles (The Faithful), Trapos Sucios (Dirty Rags), Estampida (Stampede), Os Macarróns (The Macaroons), Os Miudos (The Little Ones), Sarabanda, Razzia or A Media Ghasta (Half Worn Out) setting them an example.
Then others came: Sozios A La Fuerza (Forced Partners), Kolisión Frontal (Head-on Kollision), Alimaña (Vermin) or Zeros; among many others.
Castelo Rock is the culmination of the work of many people who generously and freely give their time; but above all, Castelo Rock is the expression of the concerns and dreams of this little corner of the world’s youth, who don’t conform to the idea of having to travel great distances in order to be able to enjoy what they like. Luckily the local authorities understood that this spontaneous cultural expression should be supported, and so the Sala Nasmo rehearsal centre was born from the ashes of an old abandoned school. Today eleven bands rehearse daily in this facility. Who knows? — In the next few years they might be headline acts in the nation’s rock festivals.